
Kouncil allows to restrict access to pages and functions for users. To achieve that you should add to you configuration file appropriate properties. There are three of them, kouncil.authorization.role-admin, kouncil.authorization.role-editor, kouncil.authorization.role-viewer. Each one of this will allow user to do specific actions in Kouncil. Users with roles assigned to:

  • kouncil.authorization.role-admin can view brokers and consumer groups pages.

  • kouncil.authorization.role-editor can view topics, event tracker pages and sent messages to topics.

  • kouncil.authorization.role-viewer can only view topics and event tracker pages.

As a values in these parameters you should provide semicolon (;) separated list of groups defined in selected authentication provider (inmemory, LDAP, AD, SSO).

For the default configuration, we have defined user groups:

    role-admin: admin_group
    role-editor: editor_group
    role-viewer: viewer_group

These will be used in any authentication method unless you override them in any of your configuration files, which are used by Kouncil.

Example roles configuration:

    role-admin: KOUNCIL_ADMIN;ROLE_USER;admin_group
    role-editor: KOUNCIL_EDITOR;editor_group
    role-viewer: KOUNCIL_VIEWER;viewer_group

To get LDAP user groups in LDAP configuration we have to add few additional parameters (group-search-base, group-search-filter, group-role-attribute)

    active-provider: ldap
      provider-url: "ldaps://"
      technical-user-name: ""
      technical-user-password: "q1w2e3r4"
      search-base: "ou=Users,dc=kouncil,dc=io"
      search-filter: "(&(objectClass=user)(uid={0})(memberOf=CN=KOUNCIL,CN=Users,DC=kouncil,DC=io))"
      group-search-base: "ou=Groups,dc=kouncil,dc=io"
      group-search-filter: "(memberuid={0})"
      group-role-attribute: "cn"

Last updated