UI Tweaks Part 1 A handful of fixes based on the most frequently reported comments from our users
Better logs on broker unavailability
Broker config - table improvements
Consumer group - Improved lag tracking
Consumer group - colour coded
Event tracking - date format
Event tracking - topic order
Event tracking - web socket toggle
Tables - Stick it to the left
Released (1.1)
Not Only JSON Part 1 This version will bring the remaining popular message formats
Schema Registry
Protobuf consumer
Protobuf producer
Released (1.2)
Not Only JSON Part 2 This version will bring the remaining popular message formats
Avro consumer
Avro producer
Plaintext handling
Released (1.4)
Security Extended Kafka and Kouncil security support
SSL support
JAAS authentication
LDAP authentication
Logged users activity monitoring
Released (1.5)
Security Part 2 Authorization
Introducing admin, editor and viewer roles
Event tracking - additional columns
Tables - column auto adjustment
Released (1.6)
More versions of Kafka and Schema Registry compatible This version will allow you to connect to more versions and configurations of Kafka and Schema Registry
Connecting to AWS MSK cluster
Connecting to secured Schema Registry
Released (1.7)
Manage your cluster In this version you will be able to manage your schemas and topics
Monaco editor
Manage schemas
Manage topics
AVRO logical types
AVRO example generator
Custom base path for exposing application
Released (1.8)
External database and RBAC v2 This version will allow you to configure clusters, permissions in application. You also will be able to connect to external database
External database configuration
In application cluster configuration
More granular permissions
OKTA integration
Released (1.9)
Data masking This version will allow you to define rules which will mask sensitive data
Data masking
In Progress
Alerts & notifications This version will allow you to define alerts and notify users
Alerting system and notifications via email, slack
Cloud Easy way of deploying Kouncil to the cloud
K8s support - helm chart
Terraform (GCP, AWS, Azure)
Last updated